
A customer service solution that provides businesses with the scalable support and tools they need to enhance the customer experience.

In today’s digital world, customers expect their questions to be answered and issues to be resolved in a matter of minutes. Moreover, they want 24/7 support and personalized experience across digital channels. 87% of consumers believe that companies need to provide more consistent customer service. However, most customer service teams struggle to meet customers’ growing demands because the tools and data that inform their support strategies aren’t integrated or scalable.

Customer service software can greatly enhance customer interactions, improve customer retention rates, and boost sales. How? In today’s article, we’ll explain all about the importance of customer service and why Hubspot’s Service Hub is the best option for small businesses.

We’ve got plenty to cover, so let’s dive right in!

The importance of customer service

Customer service can make or break your business. Don’t know why? Check out these statistics that reflect how good customer service can improve your business, and how bad customer service can effectively do the opposite.

  • According to American Express, 90% of Americans consider customer service as a deciding factor in whether or not to do business with a company.
  • 93% of customers are more likely to make a repeat purchase from a company that offers exceptional customer service.
  • Approximately 77% of customers would recommend a brand to someone else after having a positive service experience.

In today’s fast-paced world, customers demand more than just a great product or service. Poor customer interactions can break the trust people have in your product or service, which makes them less and less likely to purchase from you again, or to recommend you to others.

Customers expect an experience from a brand that continues beyond the initial purchase decision. What’s more, they expect that experience to be seamlessly connected and accessible across the customer journey.

Why does your small business need customer service software?

Owning a small business isn’t an easy task. It requires dedication, passion, and a whole lot of time and resources. Even with all of these things, there’s no way to guarantee your business will succeed.

The driving force behind your business success is your customer base. Moreover, a customer is four times more likely to switch to a competitor brand if they’re encountering service-based problems. If your customers aren’t happy, your business will suffer as a result.

To achieve business success, companies need a solid customer service approach that delivers results and generates loyal customers. When attracting new customers is 6-7 times more expensive than retaining existing ones, it’s easy to see why businesses need to focus their attention on customer loyalty.

That’s where a robust customer service software can help. 

Customer service software has revolutionized the way businesses communicate with their clients by helping to:

  • Provide quicker responses
  • Increase focus on loyal customers
  • Simplify reporting and analytics
  • Connect internal teams on a central platform
  • Prioritize requests
  • Scale with your business as it grows

With so many customer service software solutions on the market, the promises are endless.

So how do you choose the best one for your business? 

You’ll be glad to know that you don’t have to! We’ve got just the solution.

What is Hubspot Service Hub

If there’s one thing Hubspot knows, it’s how to deliver exceptional customer service. 

More than 80,000 companies across the world use Hubspot tools in their tech stacks to enhance services, improve sales, and grow their business. The fact that Hubspot delivers results is undeniable. In fact, companies that used HubSpot received 125% more (B2B) and 294% more (B2C) leads than companies that weren’t.

Service Hub

Hubspot Service Hub is the leading customer service solution that provides businesses with scalable support and powerful service tools. It unites teams and channels to improve collaboration and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

By bringing together customer service data and channels in one platform, Service Hub gives your business more time to focus on proactive customer service that engages, delights and grows your customer base.

Service Hub seamlessly integrates with other Hubspot software solutions like Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, and CMS Hub for a powerful all-in-one, easy to use business solution.

Key Features of Hubspot Service Hub


Help desk & ticket management

With the Service Hub help desk, agents can spend less time on time-consuming data entry or back-office tasks, and dedicate more time to helping customers succeed. By intelligently routing and automating ticket requests, support teams can prioritize the most critical requests and address them efficiently.

Hubspot ticket management allows businesses to set up various pipelines for tickets and ensure they’re routed to the right team or department. Tickets are organized, prioritized, and tracked in a centralized location so that no customer issues slip through the cracks.

What’s more, you can keep track of key support metrics to effectively manage your support team and customer demand to ultimately enhance the customer experience.

Hubspot knowledge base

By analyzing trends in customer service tickets, the Hubspot knowledge base tool turns common requests into simple, well-structured articles for your website that’ll index on Google. The knowledge base empowers customers to find self-service solutions to their requests.

This will save your customer support teams from having to answer the same questions over and over again. With this feature, businesses can watch their support teams’ efficiency and productivity increase by reducing the time they spend answering simple requests and allowing them to deal with more complicated requests.


What’s more, businesses can track the performance of their knowledge base to understand which articles successfully address customer concerns and use search analytics to identify gaps that need to be addressed.

Customer Feedback: Survey creation, collection, and audience insights.

The Service Hub customer feedback tool helps businesses to better understand their customers. 

This tool sends a series of surveys to customers that capture their qualitative and quantitative feedback.

Customer surveys enable businesses to understand common customer issues and address them in a timely and efficient manner. Insights from customer feedback surveys can be used to improve products, spot marketing opportunities, and boost the customer experience.

Service Hub chooses the most appropriate feedback tool and method of delivery for your customer feedback goals, increasing response rates, and building a data baseline over time.

Different types of surveys include:

  • Net promoter score (NPS)
  • Customer effort score (CES)
  • Customer satisfaction

By collecting customer feedback businesses can gauge how their customer base feels about the support they’re providing, and how loyal they are. What’s more, all of this data can be tracked from a single dashboard. This allows businesses to identify trends and industry standards to inform future customer service strategies.

Live chat software

Live chat is the preferred communication channel for millennials, so it’s crucial that businesses adopt this customer service approach.

Live chat software enables support staff to chat with customers and prospects in real-time. This enables businesses to meet customer demands for fast and effective support. What’s more, live chat automatically routes inquiries to the most appropriate service team members.

With live chat tools, support teams can have unlimited, personalized conversations at scale using the integrated chatbot builder. Chatbots can deal with simple requests, which frees up agents to concentrate their efforts on more complex tasks.

Conversations are stored in a unified conversation inbox so that customer context is available and accessible across teams and departments to deliver friendlier, more personalized customer service.

Benefits of Hubspot’s customer service software

There are numerous benefits to implementing customer service software into the fabric of your business. Here are 5 key benefits that a software solution for customer service can provide:

    • Improve agent and team performance: Increase agent productivity and efficiency with the right tools, so support teams can focus on providing quick and consistent support.
  • Centralize conversations: By uniting omnichannel conversations in single platform businesses can ensure a connected customer journey. Making customer data accessible across teams and departments, customer service reps can keep track of requests and provide a more personalized customer experience.
  • Improve operations with data reporting, tracking, and analytics: Easily track the trends and performance of your team to make data-driven decisions for improvement.
  • Use customer feedback to inform business decisions: deliver what your customers want by asking them what they want. Use customer feedback to inform your support strategies and improve customer service.
  • Deliver a better customer experience: Customer service software enables your business operations to run more smoothly with routing and automation which improves response times, allows for personalized service, and creates loyal customers that will drive the success of your small business.

Is Hubspot Customer Service right for your business?

If you want to improve your customer service operations with an integrated, robust, and scalable solution then Service Hub is the ideal choice for any small or medium-sized business.

Offering key features like help desk & ticket management, knowledge base tools, live chat, and customer feedback; Service Hub provides an all-in-one affordable solution that can be fully integrated with other Hubspot services and software. This means you can focus on customer service and inbound marketing efforts, and reap the benefits as they work in tandem to produce the best results for your business.


Wondering how Hubspot customer service can help to grow your small business?
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